Plus 2.X:Zones
A component always has a inner and outer side and needs to have a zone attached to each side of it.
What is a zone?
outer air: The information is, that on that side of the component there are conditions of external air, thus there is the exterior climate that was assigned under Climate Data.
heated zones: the climate in a heated is influenced by the HVAC system and the Inner Loads and Occupancy
For heated Zones
attached zones: Is a zone that adjoins a heated zone but isn't heated itself. for those there can be an optional climate defined.
The information a zone
To clarify the climatic conditions, a component always needs to have a zone assigned to each side of it.
Creation of new Zones
If the Building Wizard is used for the creation of a [[Plus 2.X:Building|building] zones are automatically generated but can of course be modified and new ones can be generated and allocated.Using the Building
Assigning a zone is either possible under the component's entry in the Navigation Tree under section [Plus 2.X:Visualized_Components#General|"General"]] or by right clicking on the respective component in the Visualization Box and then choosing Properties.
The different zones and the components allotted to them appear in the Navigation Tree with all the components assigned to them. Although a component has always got two zones assigned to it, one on the NV!!!!inner and one on the outer it "belongs" to the zone that was apportioned to its inside in the Navigation Tree.
Normal vector, assigning zones
Each Component has got a inner and outer side. The normal vector of a component always points out of the outer side of a component. Right clicking on a component in the Visualization Box allows changing the orientation of it.
This is of course reasonable for exterior walls, the outer air (=zone with outer climate) is assigned to their outer side, and a appropriate zone to their inner. However for interior walls the "outer" and "inner" wall nomenclature is only to distinguish between the two sides.
Most important
New zones can be created using the Zones Button in the vizualization box
There can be several zones in a building zone climate different rooms each wall one zone on each side tree components belonging to each zone