Plus 2.X:Results
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Once you have supplied WUFIplus with the needed data it can calculate the temporal evolution of the temperature and moisture fields in the building components and the inner climate conditions. There are general results for the whole building and results for each individual component.
Whole Case
Results for the whole building can be found under the respective case entry in the Navigation Tree after the calculation under Report: Data & Results.
There are three subsections:
Report: Data & Results
There are different scopes with different contents to choose under Data&Results:
- Project data: The general information about the project that can be entered under the Project entry in the Navigation Tree
- Climate: Some basic information about the outer climate you chose under Climate
- Conditioned zones: Overview on important information you entered for the zones (geometry, other parameter, accuracy...) and the components (geometry, surface, numerics...) belonging to those.
- Assemblies: Overview on the assemblies used in the project. All important values on different layers and the whole assembly are displayed
- Material data: More detailed values and graphs on the materials used in the project
These first five entries can be viewed before the calculation, too, as they are just a illustration of data entered by the user.
- Results: A overview
- Mould grow conditions:
- User defined:
Individual Components
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