2D:Dialog SurfaceClimate

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Version vom 11. Juni 2008, 20:35 Uhr von Len (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Dialog: Surface/Climate)
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Dialog: Surface/Climate

Assign surface coefficients and climatic boundary conditions to the different surface segments of the component.

Point the cursor at one of the surface segments of the component to highlight it. Press the mouse button to open the dialog "Allocation of properties (surface/climate) in which you can specify the surface transfer coefficients and climate data to be assigned to that surface segment.

You may scroll and zoom the graph the same way you did in the Geometry dialog.

In order to unassign the properties from the segment, open the material allocation dialog and press its Unassign button.

You can specify the colors and line widths of the default, selected and assigned surface segments in the dialog "Options Settings".