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Overview of WUFI's Dialog Structure

This list contains a description of all menu items and of all dialogs, including dialogs which are not directly accessible via the menus, but as sub-dialogs of other dialogs:


  • New

Wipes WUFI's memory clean and starts a new, empty project.
The project dialog opens which allows you to give a name to the project and which serves as a memo pad for some administrative project info.

  • Open

Displays the usual 'Open' dialog from which you can open existing project files (which contain the input data and the calculation results, if any).

  • Reopen

Displays a list of projects you have previously worked with so that you can easily open them by simply selecting them from this list.

  • Save

Saves the input data and (after a calculation has been performed) the calculation results to the project file.
You should save the project before a calculation in case something goes wrong; you must save again after the calculation if you want to keep the results for later.

  • Save As...

Saves the current project under a new name.
The old project file, if any, continues to exist under the old name.

  • Exit

Closes WUFI. But why should you want to?


  • Project Data
    Here you define all information of the project, includes the name and adress of the client and special remarks of the project.
  • Case 1
    Here you define general information about the project and the time of calculation. Additional the button results shows the report of the calculation which is available after the calculation.
  • Attached Zones
    This dialog shows the defined attached unheated zones of the building.



  • Warnings
    Tell WUFI which events shall cause a warning.


  • Other
    Three options can be choose here.
    • Start the software window with a full screen.
    • Save the results with the project file.
    • Include all graphs in results.



  • Windows type
    Define default window types and save it in the Database.







  • Run Calculation
    Starts the calculation for the current case, but shows only a progress bar instead of the film.


  • Run all Calculations
    Starts the calculation for all cases in the project in succession and only shows a progress bar instead of the film.




  • Quick Graph
    The quick graphs give you a quick overview of the calculation results.


  • Input Data Summary / Last Calculation
    This dialog displays data sheets with the input data (such as the assembly and the material data) and a summary of the calculation results, formatted for printing.


  • Status: Last Calculation
    This dialog displays a short summary of the calculation results.
    It is automatically displayed at the end of the calculation. You should check the provided info (in particular, the water balance) to make sure no numerical problems have occurred.


  • Result Graphs
    This dialog displays the calculation results in the form of graphs showing courses and profiles, formatted for printing.
    • Page Setup
      This dialog allows you to edit the name of the highlighted graphics page.
    • Graph Setup, Courses
      Here you can edit the settings for a graph that displays courses.
    • Graph Setup, Profiles
      Here you can edit the settings for a graph that displays profiles.
    • Curves Setup
      Here you can edit the settings for a curve.
    • Insert Curves
      Here you can assign additional curves showing calculation results to the current graph.
    • Delete Curves
      Here you can remove a curve from the current graph.
  • View Film
    This dialog displays the calculation results in the form of a film showing the thermal and hygric processes in the building component as an animation.


  • Measured Data
    Here you can specify a file with measured data. You can configure the result graphs to show them together with the WUFI results, allowing easy comparison of calculation and measurement.


  • ASCII Export
    Instead of viewing the results with WUFI's graphics dialog, you may also write them to an ASCII file and analyse them on your own.


  • Export Film
    You can export the film and display it with an external film viewer (in WUFI Pro only).




  • Warnings
    Tell WUFI which events shall cause a warning.


  • Result Data
    Exclude the calculated courses/profiles or the film data from being saved in the project file.




The on-line help.

  • General
    Opens the [[Welcome.htm">welcome page]] of the on-line help. You can use the arrows on each page to systematically browse the help topics.
  • Content
    Opens the <A HREF="Contents.htm">contents</A> page of the on-line help.
  • Index/Search
    Opens the keyword list of the on-line help for searching.
  • Use Help
    Explains how to use the on-line help.
  • IBP on the Web
    Opens the WUFI homepage in your browser.
  • WUFI Forum
    Opens the WUFI Forum in your browser.
  • About WUFI
    Displays information about WUFI, including the version number.

Tool Bar

The following menu items are also available via the toolbar buttons:

Create New Project

Open Project File

Save Project File

Create New Case

Remove Case

Run Calculation for current case without film display

Run Calculation for all cases in the project without film display

Run Calculation with film display

Show Summary of Input Data

Show Status of Last Calculation

Show Result Graphs

View Film

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