Plus 2.X:Visualization Box

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The Visualization Box

The Visualization Box is for displaying, creating and modifying the building that is to be calculated.

The Buttons in the Visualization Box

Expand/Shrink Button: It is advisable to expand the Visualization Box window into full screen mode before using it.

Building Wizard Button:This Button is a link to the Building Wizard

: Zones Button, by clicking on it already existing zones can be renamed and new ones can be created, by holding on the mouse on that button, individual zones can be selected with the effect that only the components belonging to the selected zone are shown in the Visualization Box.

These Buttons allow rotating the building around all three axes,

centering the display of the building

and zooming in and out of the picture.

With these buttons view on components can be changed from transparent to opaque, transparent mode makes looking "through" components onto some otherwise hidden components possible.

Also the orientation of the building can be displayed,

as well as the normal vector of every component.

This Button allows to make a component "conditionally not visible/pickable" for example in order to make components lying behind accessible. The difference to the "transparent/opaque" button is, that the component is neither visible nor pickable whereas it is still pickable if only the view is switched from opaque to transparent. It is important to check mark the Option "conditionally not visible/pickable" in the Properties of the according component.

These three buttons are "Windows/Openings" for creating new windows and openings, "Vertices visible/invisible" to display or not display the vertices and "Options"

Creating and Modifying a Building in the Visualization Box

Besides the operations through these buttons buildings can be created and modified in the Visualization Box.