WUFI plus offers the possibility to model 3D thermal bridges. In this chapter the procedure is explained using the easy example you can see in the picture below.
A new 3D Object can be created by clicking on the "New" button in the 3D Objects section. The newly created Object appears in the Navigation Tree and can be edited then.
The first step is inputting the right measures along x, y, and z axis, this is done in this part of the input mask.
Figure 3: Measure-Input
For each change of material, a new division must be created and dimensioned. This can be done by using the "New", "Delete", "Copy" and "Insert" button. According to Figure 1, input should look like this:
Figure 4: Finished Measure-Input
Figure 5:Materials
Materials and Boundary Conditions
The second step is to assign the right materials and boundary conditions. First, requested materials need to be selected from the database using the "Add" button. In this case brick and concrete is chosen (see Figure 1).
Figure 6:Materials and boundary conditions along the x-axis
In principle to assign a material or boundary condition to the right element, choose the division, select the material or boundary condition and click onto the element.
If this is done in the x-axis tab, the procedure is the following:
Figure 7: First Division-B.Cond.
Imagine you look at the 3D-Element in direction of the green arrow in the picture.
It is started with the uppermost division, the Boundary Condition (B. Cond.)[1]. On this side the element touches the outer air, so "climate" [2] is selected and then it is clicked onto the elements you see in the picture below[3]. They turn blue and the outer climate is assigned to the outside-boundary condition area now.
Figure 8: Second DivisionNext the second division is selected, this is section 1 in Figure 6 above. Obviously the whole area is brick, so brick is selected and then assigned to the elements by clicking onto them. The outer elements remain untouched, they are adiabat, there is no heat exchange happening through them as they are only the continuance of the walls.
Figure 9:Third DivisionAfter that, the third division is chosen, this is area 2 in Figure 6. This "slice" of the wall has both a brick and a concrete part. The outer parts are brick, the inner one is concrete.
Figure 10: Fourth DivisionThe fourth division (area 3 in Figure 6) gets concrete assigned to its middle part and as the two outer areas are inner air, they belong to "Zone 1:Heated Zone".
Last the fifth division remains untouched, it's adiabat.
Figure 11:Input Y-AxisFigure 12:Input Z-Axis
Y-Axis and Z-Axis
If the input made for the x-axis was right, input for y and z axis is right to automatically. However check it, to make sure everything is correct.
If everything was done correctly input should look like the input in Figure 11 and 12