Passive2:Visualized Components

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All components of the building requiring a definition of structure, material or environment are listed under "Visualized Components" and need to be edited here. Clicking on the respective component in the entry window table or the in the navigation tree opens the component to define. In the input window the component’s properties are defined. There are three possible types:

   * Opaque components (walls)
   * Transparent components (windows)
   * Openings (not relevant) 

There are various tabs to input all necessary data:


All relevant opaque components should be listed here. E.g. Walls, ceilings and the ground plate. The roof can be implemented here, but can also be done in attached zones.

Some screens for the input.

Exterior walls/doors

Is a special case, can also be done with 4 "=", but then we need 3 "=" for general, assembly and surface and this goes to surface.


These are pretty much windows, but i guess also glass doors can be input here. i think there can be a seperation into 3 subpoints aswell, but i dont know, if we need them


Holes in the Walls. basically. Not too much to say about it.