1D:Dialog GraphSetupProfiles

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Version vom 16. September 2008, 20:05 Uhr von Len (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: = Dialog: Graph Setup, Profiles = Bild:DialogGraphSetupProfiles_02.gif <P> Here you can edit the settings for a graph that displays [[Glossary:Glossary-1D | profi...)
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Dialog: Graph Setup, Profiles

Here you can edit the settings for a graph that displays profiles:


The name of the graph as it appears in the graphs list.


  "Top Margin [cm]",

"Left Margin [cm]":

  Enter the distance of the top left corner of the graph from the top or left edge, respectively, of an A4 page.


  "Height [cm]",

"Width [cm]":

  Enter the height and the width of the graph.


"Legend Box":

Profile curves are identified by a legend (see "Dialog: Curves Setup"), which is written to a legend box, i.e. a white rectangular area in the graph which covers any curves or grid lines to prevent them from interfering with the legend text.

  "X [cm]",

"Y [cm]":

  Define the position of the top left corner of the legend box relative to the top left corner of the graph. The size of the legend box is automatically adjusted to accommodate the legend text.





  Enter the value range and the subdivision of the X-axis (in cm). To the right of these fields, WUFI displays the minimum and maximum values occurring in the assembly to help you in selecting appropriate values.


  "Start = 0":

       By default, the X-axis is labeled by a continuous count, starting with zero, which corresponds to the exterior surface of the assembly.

If you are displaying only part of the assembly cross-section (by editing the Min. or Max. settings), the axis may begin with a value different from zero. In case you do not want this for some reason, this option allows you to renumber the X-axis so that it does begin with zero.



  Enter a text label and a unit descriptor for the X-axis.


  "All Profiles":
  Check this option if the X-axis settings for this graph shall be copied to all other graphs with profiles.


  Uncheck this option if no labels or numbering of the X-axis shall be displayed.





  Enter the value range and the subdivision of the Y-axis. To the right of these fields, WUFI displays the minimum and maximum values of the combined curves in the current graph to help you in selecting appropriate values.


  If the graph contains water content profiles, this option allows you to switch the units from [kg/m³] to [Vol-%].




  Enter a text label and a unit descriptor for the Y-axis.


  "All ... Profiles":
  Check this option if the Y-axis settings for this graph shall be copied to all other images with profiles of the same kind (e.g. relative humidities, temperatures etc).


  Uncheck this option if no labels or numbering of the Y-axis shall be displayed.


Version notice: the editor functions are available in WUFI Pro only.