Plus:Dialog AssignFromDatabaseWindows

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Version vom 2. Februar 2009, 12:36 Uhr von Len (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: = Assign from Database = Bild:WUFI-Plus_DatabaseWindows_2.png <P> In this dialog you can select a predefined window from the windows database and transfer it to t...)
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Assign from Database

In this dialog you can select a predefined window from the windows database and transfer it to the component.

The windows are organized by Sources and by Catalogues (1).
The source indicates the institution which has provided the window. You may select "All sources" in order to see all windows, or you may select only one source if only a subgroup of windows is relevant to your investigation.
For each source, the windows have been organized in catalogues which comprise a specific category of windows each (e.g. "ASHRAE" etc). Select "All catalogues" to view all windows of the selected source.

The windows contained in the selected sources and catalogues are displayed in the windows list (2). You may "Sort" the windows by name.

A double-click on a window in the list or a click on the "Assign" button (3) will transfer the highlighted window to the component.

The predefined windows in the database are read-only and cannot be edited. However, you can add your own windows to the database.