Glossary: WUFI-Plus
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
- The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures how well a window blocks heat from sunlight. The SHGC is the fraction of the heat from the sun that enters through a window, both directly transmitted, and absorbed and subsequently released inward.
- The SHGC replaced the shading coefficient an the standard indicator of a window‘s shading ability
- SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
- SHGC can be expressed in terms of the glass alone or can refer to the entire window assembly.
- The lower a window's SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.
- For incident radiation that is diffuse, the hemispherical SHGC must be used.
[[1]] [[2]] ASHRAE Handbook 2005 Fundamentals
The g-value is a value for the pass of energy through a transparent component. It is composed of direct solar radiation and heat emission by secondary absorptance to the inner space.
The radiation power through the component can be separated as following:
transmitted part direct transmittance
reflected part direct reflectance
absorbed part direct absorptance [1]
- [1]
For the calculation of the g-value are the direct transmittance and the direct absorption needed. From the only the inward flowing fraction of the energy, the secondary absorptance is relevant.
Direct transmittance
- [1]
spectral distribution of solar radiation
spectral transmittance of the glazing
range of wavelength
Inward flowing fraction of energy :
single glazing fenestration
- [1]
23 W/(m2K)
8 W/(m2K) – for borosilicate- und soda-lime-glass
solar absorptance
( and are mean values with arranged conditions)
g-values are dimensionless and between 0 and 1
[1] DIN EN 410:1998 Glas im Bauwesen, Bestimmung der lichttechnischen und strahlungsphysikalischen Kenngrößen von Verglasungen