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Glossary: WUFI-Plus

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

  • The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures how well a window blocks heat from sunlight. The SHGC is the fraction of the heat from the sun that enters through a window, both directly transmitted, and absorbed and subsequently released inward.
  • The SHGC replaced the shading coefficient an the standard indicator of a window‘s shading ability
  • SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
  • SHGC can be expressed in terms of the glass alone or can refer to the entire window assembly.
  • The lower a window's SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.
  • For incident radiation that is diffuse, the hemispherical SHGC must be used.

[[1]] [[2]] ASHRAE Handbook 2005 Fundamentals


The g-value is a value for the pass of energy through a transparent component. It is composed of direct solar radiation and heat emission by secondary absorptance to the inner space.


The radiation power ϕe through the component can be separated as following:

transmitted part τeϕe direct transmittance τe

reflected part ρeϕe direct reflectance ρe

absorbed part αeϕe direct absorptance αe [1]


τe+ρe+αe=1 [1]

For the calculation of the g-value are the direct transmittance τe and the direct absorption αe needed. From the αe only the inward flowing fraction of the energy, the secondary absorptance qi is relevant.

Direct transmittance τe

τe=Sλτ(λ)ΔλSλΔλ [1]


Sλ spectral distribution of solar radiation

τ(λ) spectral transmittance of the glazing

Δλ range of wavelength

Inward flowing fraction of energy qi:

single glazing fenestration

qi=αehihe+hi [1]


he 23 W/(m2K)

hi 8 W/(m2K) – for borosilicate- und soda-lime-glass

αe solar absorptance

(he and hi are mean values with arranged conditions)

g-values are dimensionless and between 0 and 1

[1] DIN EN 410:1998 Glas im Bauwesen, Bestimmung der lichttechnischen und strahlungsphysikalischen Kenngrößen von Verglasungen