Passive:Dynamic Simulation

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Switch to dynamic Mode

The major advantage of WUFI®Passive is the possiblity to compare the results of the static passive house calculation method with the dynamic simulation of WUFI®Plus.
Please note that the simulation of WUFI®Plus requires additional input data, especially for materials, which require data like heat storage capacity and hygrothermal properties.

Set Boundary Conditions from Passive House

The new button can be found here

Certain input parameters can be carried over from WUFI®Passive to WUFI®Plus mode. To simplify this step new a button "Set Boundary Conditions from Passive House" has been introduced. This option will set reasonable values for the dynamic simulation mode for better comparison of the results.

Setpoints for WUFI®Plus in detail carried over when selecting „Set Boundary Conditions from Passive House“:
Temperature: Design Minimal Temperature = indoor temperature, Design Maximal Temperature = overheating temperature,
Ground temperature: New optional ground climate added with Relative Humidity = 99 constant, Temperature = sin curve with min/max values and phase shift from WUFI®Passive calculation
Internal loads: A constant internal load is added depending on the internal heat gains of the passive house calculation
Internal loads: A constant moisture load is added depending on the humidity source entry of the passive house calculation
Relative Humidity: Design Maximal Relative Humidity = Max Humidity Ratio Dehumidification set in passive house verification mode
Mechanical Ventilation: Mechanical Ventilation = Average Air Change Rate Mechanical Ventilation. If there is an additional summer ventilation in passive mode, a separate profile for the summer months is created including the additional ventilation.
Natural Ventilation: Same as Mech. Ventilation. Infiltration is taken into account.
HVAC System: The maximum device capacity is taken over.