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Overview of the steps that have to be taken before starting a calculation:
- Then you may select the location of the project for a specific climate file. Further you can define some optional climate
- You have to edit the building either with the automatic building wizard or a script file. Edit measures, shape and orientation of the building
- You may assign assemblies to the components of the building
- If needed, fit windows in the components and assign the window type
- You have to specify the inner climate by defining the temperatures, the relative humdities, the CO2 concentrations and the ventilation
- You may qoute the loads from accupancy or additional
- Then enter the equipment data about heating, cooling and ventilation system
- Now other parameters like the initial room conditions or the accuracy of calculation have to be set
- At least the attached zones have to be specified
- When all inputs are done and the State of input data shows green, the calulation can be started